FCA has grown our international ministry in 105 countries across the world. Transformation happens when coaches and athletes participate in communities where the Gospel is made known and lived out!
FCA’s vision is to reach every coach, every athlete, every team and every community in every country. The Gospel is spreading throughout the whole world and bearing fruit!
FCA in Florida works with local sports ministry leaders and existing ministries in the Latin America International Region and the Caribbean Islands. This impact is expanding with ministry leaders and teams of volunteers. Each FCA region in Florida has been paired with a specific country and island - and North Central Florida FCA has teamed up with the country of Uruguay and the US Virgin Islands.
Join us in prayer to Engage, Equip and Empower coaches and athletes to become disciples who make disciples in all nations.
Do you have a heart for FCA and international ministry? Support the ministry of our international partners by funding the ministry or missions travels.